Easy Knitting Patterns - Simple Knits For All Knitters

This fun and easy knitting patterns page is a great place for beginner knitters to start practicing their newly acquired skills.  

These patterns for knitting beginners will help build your confidence plus you'll get to knit something that you can use as well. 

After all it's much more fun learning how to knit if you're actually making something. 

This is also a great place to find very simple knitting projects. 

You know the ones; the ones you go too after knitting a very long and complicated knitting project. 

It always feels good knitting something quickly and easily after spending so many hours on the last knit project.

Knit Picks Banner

These easy knits will also make great gifts. Before you go out and buy a gift try knitting a gift instead. Knitted gifts are always special.

Sometimes you may want to give a small gift to someone and a hand knit gift is always special.  

So pick up those needles, grab some great yarn that feels as soft as butter and get started with one of these easy patterns.

Easy Knitting Patterns 

All of these are quite basic knitting patterns with a couple that require additional knitting skills. 

I think there all easy enough to tackle though and I hope you enjoy knitting them.

Sometimes after all, I like knitting something that's more advanced and still want to share the pattern with you. 

Besides it's all great knitting practice.

Easy Knit Hat Patterns 

Hats are one of my favorite things to knit because they're quick to knit.

And 'style wise' you've got endless possibilities to try. I love that.

These are just a couple of styles but there's more to come.

In the meantime I hope you enjoy the knit hats below.

Knit Mittens Of All Kinds

Easy Knitting Patterns For Scarves, Neckwarmers & Headbands

Sweater And Shawl Knitting Patterns

Baby Knitting Patterns

Bag Knitting Patterns

Home Decor Knitting Patterns

Easy Knitting Patterns, Knit Slippers

I hope you enjoy these easy knitting patterns and I will continue to bring you more as time goes on. 

For now though I just wanted you to have a chance to get going on some simple and fun knitting patterns.

Happy Knitting! 

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