Six Step Knitting Guide
How To Start Knitting Today

This knitting guide will help show beginner knitters how to get started knitting today.

This page cuts through all the fluff and is your beginners guide to knitting in six easy steps.

I understand that some of you want to jump in and start knitting right away so this is for you.

This is the minimum you need to know to learn how to knit and these are the basic steps in knitting.

This page is also for those of you who only want to learn the basic knitting stitches.  

Maybe some of you want to learn just enough to make some easy knitted gifts and this page is for you too.

Prices are high everywhere right? And if you can knit some gifts for your family and friends that's great.

And you know what? You can knit some lovely gifts just by knitting basic stitches. 

My beginners guide to knitting is a condensed version of what you need for getting started knitting

Six Step Knitting Guide - How To Start Knitting Today

And when you've worked through this knitters guide you can try some easy beginner knitting patterns. 

It'll be great practice and these easy knit patterns will make great knitted gifts too! 

Ready to Get Started?    Great, here we go...

Fun Part Of Knitting Guide....Shopping

1.  The first thing you need to do is purchase some medium worsted weight yarn. There will be a (4) on the knitting label.   

Make sure to pick a light color so it'll be easier to see your stitches.  

Knitting Guide - yarn and needle size to start knitting with

Some great yarns to try are Patons Canadiana, Red Heart Super Saver or Red Heart Soft and Bernat Super Value Yarn.  

These are all very popular and have a variety of colors to choose from.

Next you'll need to purchase size US 8 or 9 (5mm or 5.5mm) knitting needles.  

These are the easiest to handle when you're learning. They fit nicely in your hands.

Note:   You don't have to buy super long knitting needles right now unless you want too.  

The shorter straight knitting needles will work just fine and won't be so cumbersome. 

Even kid sizes work well. I have a few pairs myself, they're cool and make it easier to knit.

When you have time you can have a look at my getting started page. It covers choosing yarn and needles.

Also please remember that this is a very streamlined beginners guide to knitting only.

You can find my full instructions for everything on my knitting instructions page.

Knitting Guide - Knitting Lessons Begin 

2 & 3.  The first two knitting lessons are to make a slip knot and cast on knitting stitches. (Just click on the links) 

Choose a cast on that works best for you.

My favorites are the long tail cast on and the knitted cast on. 

When you find the cast on you like cast on about 20 or 30 stitches.

All done?   Great!

4.  Next you need to learn how to knit stitch, it's still my favorite stitch.  

Keep practicing knitting stitches until you feel comfortable, then you can move on to lesson 5.

Note:  Knitting every stitch on every row is called Garter stitch

5. The next knitting guide lesson is to learn how to purl stitches.  

6.  When you finish practicing knitting and purling you'll need to learn how to cast off stitches   

Some people say cast off and others say bind off. It means the same thing.

Casting off in knitting is an easy way to take live stitches off your needle so they won't unravel

And that's it! You have finished the basic steps in knitting.  

My knitting guide gave you the foundational beginning you need to keep on knitting. 

Or for some of you knitters you can simply enjoy where you're at right now.

And even now there are some pretty awesome knitting patterns you can do.

Easy Beginner Knitting Patterns

Even my friend Tink here loves this knitting guide and the first knitting pattern. 

It's the easiest ever hat pattern. Well have a look for yourself.  

Now that Tink can knit stitches she just loves the easiest ever hat pattern.

She just has to show off her new knitting skills!

The knitting patterns below are very easy and contain only what you learned in my knitting guide:

  • slip knot
  • cast on
  • knit stitch 
  • purl stitch
  • bind off

Even the knit sweater pattern below is great for beginners, you've gotta try it, I know you'll love it. 

And you can make it in Garter stitch only if you want too. What a great knitting gift idea!.

All these easy knitting patterns are super easy and I hope you enjoy them. 

You may also enjoy trying some of my knitting stitch patterns. They're a great way to practice.

I hope this knitting guide helped you with how to get started knitting. 

If you ever have any knitting questions just click on that Contact Me button down below on your right.  

I'd love to hear from you and I'm always happy to help you with your knitting.

Happy Knitting!

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