Site build it review-an everyday person that uses sBI!

My Site Build It review will help answer some questions for those of you who are wondering what SBI! is all about. 

This is how I learned to knit my website together. And most of all why I love SBI!

Mr. Ken Evoy

I'm very happy to present to you the host of Mr. Ken Evoy, owner of Sitesell and founder of SBI!

In 1997 Ken Evoy created an amazing and successful all-in-one website business-building system.

And I'm so happy to be a part of it.

You know what? Site Build It! is still helping people create successful website businesses around the world. 

Note: Site Build It! was re-branded in 2017 to Solo Build It! to better reflect its purpose, the Solopreneur.

SBI! Site Build It! and Solo Build It! all mean the same thing. 

SBI! is even being taught in colleges and universities around the world.

SiteSell Education's Building a Successful Business Using the Internet teaches students how to use Site Build It! 

When students finish the course they graduate with a real online business. Boy I sure wish it was around when I went to college.

Grab your favorite beverage and have a look through my Site Build It review.

So Just What Is SBI! ?

SBI! is a complete all-in-one system,website e-business training course that's totally different from anything else you'll ever find.

It will help you create an online business from the very beginning when it's still a thought in your mind. 

It's even designed to help you turn any hobby or interest or skill into a successful online business.

And there's constant ongoing help and support as you move forward with your new e-business.

It's more than a training course though, for me it was life changing. But more about that later.

Solo Build It! provides you with everything you need to build your website business.

Absolutely everything

This includes the education, the process, the fun and easy to use tools plus your domain name and hosting.  

And don't worry. You'll also have all the friendly help and support you'll need too. 

Let's say you have a hobby you love or an idea about something you know a lot about. 

And you wonder if it could become more than just a hobby. Well it's time to check it out.

SBI! Begins With The Process

This is where Site Build It! is different from everyone else.

SBI! CTPM process

SBI! walks you through a discovery process step-by-step. 

This is where you'll research and narrow down exactly what you'd like to do.

And this system is why so many SBIers are successful.

SBI! doesn't want you building your website right away nor do they want you to try and make money with it yet.  Why?

Because you need to start at the beginning. You need to finding out if there's potential in your business idea. 

SBI! helps you with this by planning it out. The lessons and videos help you to know what you need to be thinking about.

Here ya go check this out too for more details

That way you'll have a good chance to succeed with your chosen topic, well actually it's called a site concept. 

You'll be making sure that your site concept will be popular enough, marketable and eventually profitable.

What you're doing is laying a foundation first, a business plan. 

Remember: A website is NOT the business. It's what you put into it that will become your business.

And just how does that happen? Here comes the fun part. 

Solo Build It! - The Action Guide

The Action Guide is where you'll learn step by step, how to build and grow your business. 

Site Build It Review SBI! Action Guide

This Solo Build It! Action Guide is your bread and butter! 

It comes in both video and written formats. The videos are high quality and very easy to follow along.

And the written format is also very easy to read and understand and very detailed. Nothing is left out.

I used to watch the videos and then curl up with a tea and study with the written format.

The Action Guide is the key ingredient to your success so read it, understand it and follow it. 

It's broken down into 10 days or lessons. Actually you can think of them as sections. That way there's no time constraints.

Each section could take a day, a week or a month. The biggest thing is to learn and understand each section.

When you feel confident move onto the next section.

Have a look here. It explains it much better than I can.

What I Love About Solo Build It!

My Site Build It review wouldn't be complete if I didn't tell you why I love SBI! 

Here are a few reasons:

  • It's easy to learn
  • Step-by-step instructions
  • Great for the non-techy
  • Outstanding help and support 
  • Amazing tools and lots of them
  • Their verifiable proof of success  
  • Everything is kept up to date
  • Friendly and supportive 
  • A way to build a legitimate online business
  • 90-day guarantee (if you don't like it you will get your refund, no questions asked)
  • Helps people who have tried and failed to build an online business
  • Great for people who don't want the worry of all the techie background work

Solo Build It! for WordPress

You betcha there's even an SBI! for WordPress platform you can use if you prefer the WordPress platform. Cool eh? 

You'll still be able to access Solo Build Its powerful business building tools.

What has Site Build It Done For Me?

First and foremost it literally changed my life and gave me hope for my future. I'm so grateful and feel so blessed to be here writing this review.

And this part of my Site Build It review may be rather surprising and not what you might expect. 

I feel this is important to write or believe me I wouldn't but it ties in so much with my Site Build It review. 

You see I was in a terrible relationship. There wasn't any hope, there weren't any dreams, there was no happiness, just fear. 

I was desperately trying to leave and at the same time afraid to stay and afraid to leave. was horrible.

When I joined SBI! it was like a breath of fresh air. It was a little difficult to put into words at the time. 

People were so kind and respectful, even the Sitesell team. At first I was surprised by it. But I sure liked it.

You see all the staff and the members, everyone - are all like-minded people having working hard and enjoying what they do.

I managed to see another way of living that wasn't mean and hurtful.

Some nights I would get on to the forums they have here and well, they kept me going and gave me hope and inspiration. 

That was a long time ago now but my feelings haven't changed about SBI! 

There was a wholesomeness about it 13 years ago for me and there still is.

And plain and simple, it works. Solo Build It! is still going strong helping everyday people build a business they enjoy working on. 

Everyone has their own idea of what success means to them and mine....

Is a little different again. You know what was so amazing for me? 

I ended up at a women's shelter with nothing but the clothes on my back and a car filled with my knitting. 

And my most validating and exciting moment came one day at the shelter when I managed to get onto a computer. 

I actually earned my very first $100. The timing couldn't be any more perfect. It was such a blessing! 

My life was moving forward in a healthy way and WOW the Solo Build It! Action Guide really worked! 

The timing was a true blessing and for me that spells success. And SBI! helped me through an awful time.

And you want to know why this part of my Site Build It review is so special?

SBI! taught me how to lay the groundwork for a healthy website business and also healthy groundwork for the rest of my life. 

You can't imagine how special this is to me. 16 years of mere survival and I was finally able to have a dream of possibility. 

Needless to say, I got way more than I expected and I'll always be grateful. 

I think Ken put a whole lot more into this business system then just the tools and education part. 

Someone once said that SBI! has a heart and soul and they're right. It does.

Its been 13 years now since all that happened and I still love SBI! 

Another Thing To Consider With My Site Build It Review

SBI! has been around for 27 years. Twenty-seven!  Just think about that for a minute. 

I don't think you'll find too many other business owners out there with this track record if any. 

You'll even find some SBI! members that have been here that long and you know why right? Because Solo Build It! works.

I also don't think you'll ever find another business building opportunity as great as SBI! because it doesn't exist.

Somehow Ken Evoy created something very unique and special.

I'm so thankful I'm able to be a part of it. Thank you so much Ken for Solo Build It! 

Here are some more Site Build It reviews of everyday people that use SBI! It's their top 500 list. 

I love going over to this one. You'll find so many different topics, it's really cool.

Fake Site Build It Reviews

There are some fake Site Build It reviews floating around from some  unscrupulous people, so beware.

Site Build It! Review

These reviews are written by people who are paid to sell another product, WA.

So they write a fake Site Build It review bad mouthing it, then direct you to their incredibly inferior product.

Please be careful because you'll end up very disappointed. 

SBI! has a real product that delivers real results. 

In fact they conducted a study on every site built from both products and SBI! clearly came out on top with verifiable proof. 

And the results were quite dramatic. SBI! sites have 33 times greater chances of success.

Have a look here at the study. It's so important to protect yourself against the fakes.

And here are some Site Build It reviews from real SBI! owners. 

These reviews inspired me when I was deciding about SBI! 12 years ago.

One of the main reasons I'm writing my Site Build It review is because I'm really upset by all this. 

I'm not trying to sell you anything and I'm not being paid anything to write this review. 

The links on this page are just links to various pages on SBI! that will help you make a decision based on real facts. 

I've been using Solo Build It! for 13 years now and its been an amazing experience for me. 

SBI! works plain and simple.  

I also remember when I was searching for something that would help me work from home, something legitimate.

And I wondered if it was even possible to find. 

Before I joined Solo Build It! I was just like you staring at the screen reading a review and wondering if SBI! was the real thing. 

I was a little scared and excited all at the same time and I'm so glad I took that step and joined.

Everything is here, you just need to take the steps like I did. Remember 26 years of SBI!

I promise you there's someone on the other side waiting to saying hello. It's real and it works.

“Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction.” - Germany Kent

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