Andalusian Stitch - Simple Pretty Stitch Pattern 

The Andalusian stitch pattern is very pretty and simple to knit.

It creates a nice texture and spices things up a little instead of plain Stockinette Stitch. 

Best of all you'll be knitting basic knit stitches so it's great for beginners.

Basically its Stockinette Stitch with one row of ribbing that changes the look to a kind of grid pattern.

Andalusian Stitch Pattern

You'll be able to knit this up quickly because it's an easy stitch pattern. It's lovely to see the pretty effect knitting 1x1 ribbing causes.

Here's a link to my ribbing instructions just in case you aren't certain about how to knit ribbing yet. Don't worry, it's easy.

Now you're all set.

This simple stitch pattern will look lovely on practically anything. 

For instance, instead of knitting a sweater or cardigan in Stockinette stitch give one of these Andalusian stitches a try instead. 

Making one simple change will add a nice texture to a sweater or cardigan.

Or use it in your next mittens pattern or hats, socks and well just about anything. It just adds that little bit of eye candy.

Have any ideas? Give them a try.

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Andalusian Stitch Pattern  

Cast on multiple of 2 sts plus 1 extra stitch

1st Row (right side): Knit

2nd Row: Purl

3rd Row: *K1, p1; repeat from * to last stitch, k1

4th Row: Purl

Repeat rows 1 - 4 for pattern stitch.

It's a pretty stitch pattern isn't it?

Have some fun with it. 

Click on the link to download both Andalusian stitch patterns

Double Andalusian 

Since there are a few Andalusian pattern variations I decided to whip up another swatch with this version as well. 

The double Andalusian stitch is simply made by changing the rib stitch pattern to a 2x1 rib stitch pattern.

So instead of knitting 1x1 rib you'll knit the 2x1 rib instead creating another lovely pattern stitch.

You may like to try this one too. It's just as pretty as the first one and is called the Double Andalusian.

Andalusian stitch pattern variation called Double Andalusian

This knitting stitch pattern is still really simple to knit up as well and it's also very pretty. 

Everything stays the same except the row of ribbing. So you'll have this one memorized in no time too.

Try making a scarf with it or anything you like. It is really simple and will perk up any plain knitting that you are working on. 

Double Andalusian Pattern

Cast on a multiple of 3 stitches plus 1 extra stitch

Rows 1 and 3 (right side): Knit

Row 2: Purl

Row 4: Purl 1, *Knit 2, purl 1* repeat from * to * to the end of row.

These 4 rows form the pattern.

Those are the two Andalusian stitch patterns for you. Simple right? 

So would you like to try out the double Andalusian stitch pattern on a real knitting pattern?

Great! Cuz I've got one for you.

Double Andalusian Stitch Knit Hat With Ponytail Hole  

Double Andalusian Ponytail Tail Hat Pattern

This pattern is an easy knit hat with ponytail hole. It can be either a knitted hat or ponytail hat whichever you like.

And it's a flat knit hat using straight knitting needles so it's great for all you beginner knitters out there.

It's quick to knit too so you can have it done in one or two evenings.  Hope you like it. 

Happy Knitting!

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